Reclaim Your Life

Come Home to Self

After Religious Trauma, Narcissistic Abuse, And Cult Involvement

  • To Support those who are recovering from the emotional injury incurred through high control environments

  • To Educate concerning the danger, warning signs, and toxic mindsets that contribute to spiritual abuse and religious trauma

  • To Equip individuals to make informed decisions concerning their spiritual identity and personal well being

Support. Educate. Equip.

Other client's I work with include those:

  • who are exploring their sexuality past purity culture

  • who are continuing the healing process after narcissistic abuse

  • who are navigating connecting to a new community and finding friendships as an adult

  • who are wanting to establish new rituals and relationships with spirituality without fear and shame

  • who are working on finding ease in uncertainty

  • who are redefining what used to be black and white

  • who are pulling a part long term beliefs to make room for new perspectives

  • who are decolonizing their perception of self and others

  • who are searching for safety to experience their full self

  • who are in need of clarity on whats creating a feeling of being stuck

  • who are growing past the metaphorical greenhouse that gave them their start

  • who are investing in freedom and their own capacity for flourishing

Four components important to me are:

  • Safety (connection, comfort with stretch, security)

  • Choice (agency, autonomy, opportunity)

  • Collaboration (active participation, guidence, support)

  • Empowerment (resilience, capacity, flourish, ownership, freedom)


I offer a range of coaching services tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. With a focus on collaboration and empowerment, my services aim to unlock your full potential and lead you towards long-lasting growth and flourishing.

  • When you need the space to hear your own thoughts and just need a sounding board to make sense of them without focusing on the “what now” part, I offer reflective sessions to mirror your voice.

    In these sessions, we leave the action steps of growth for later and just start with gettin oriented to where you are now.

  • Individual Session or Session Package options.

    Define what your spiritual recovery path is or establish a goal that you need support in. We work together toward that freedom.

    Jillian works with clients using well researched modalities that prioritize decreasing shame and overwhelm through a body-based and nervous system centric foundation that is also tailored to each client to ensure that the work we do together is meaningful and effective for YOU.

  • One time two hour discussion.

    Intended as initial support and guidance on your path of healing.

    This is ideal for someone who wants to share their story, receive feedback, learn some basic skills and interventions, and receive resources that can help guide the next steps of healing.

    Great for if you are not really sure if you want to work with someone long-term but want to try talking to someone to see if it is beneficial.

Since you are a therapist, am I signing up for Therapy?

No… Coaching, Spiritual Direction, and Therapy are not the same things. You choose a path and that determines how we work together regardless of my clinical back ground.

Therapy, coaching, and spiritual direction may be very similar in healing destinations, but are different in the specific paths taken and vehicles used.

Since psychotherapy is a strongly regulated field (involving a licensing board), we must clarify which of the paths we’re taking before we begin.


    * Focus on mental or emotional health issues, relationships, and/or traumas

    * Therapy-specific approaches (diagnosing and treating) may be used according to my therapist training.

    *Balanced focus on past, present, and future.

    *More insight and experience-oriented.

    *Medium-paced and weekly full sessions for 40ish sessions for optimal benefit.

    *You MUST be physically located in the state of Virginia for these sessions.

    *Can potentially be covered by insurance (out-of-network).

    *NOT A PART OF SERVICES OFFERED HERE. (Must find me in my separate therapy private practice.)


    * We only focus on what is needed for the healing and transformational work

    * We do not cover emotional/mental health issues (e.g., anxiety and depression). I cannot access, diagnose, or treat mental illness.

    * More future-oriented with a focus on goals and tasks.

    * More action-oriented.

    * Fast-paced. We can meet at various frequencies (e.g., once or twice a month) at various lengths (full or half sessions) depending on need.

    * No restrictions on where you are or on how long or frequent our sessions are.

    * NOT covered by insurance.

    * Ethical practices exist but the field is not highly regulated.

  • Spiritual Direction

    * Companionship while you process your spiritual journey, relationship with divinity, and soul practices.

    * Focus on personal spirituality and your encounters of the divine to cultivating a life attuned to authentic spiritual practices that align with you.

    * Neither coaching or therapy.

    * Greatest focus is on the present.

    * More insight and experience-oriented.

    * Slow-paced with no agenda for any outcome. Frequency dependent on what nourishes your spiritual attunement.

    * Not considered mental health care.

    * Not a regulated field or practice. No specific guidelines or techniques to follow.

  • * Focus is on connecting dots and sharing information

    * An expert-driven, top-down authoritative approach to pursuing a defined outcome


Four components I’m guided by in coaching are Safety, Choice, Collaboration, and Empowerment.

I have a few different options on how to structure our work together, so check them out above!


Consulting is for those that have interest in supporting the large community of individuals that find themself deconstructing and reconstructing their relationship with faith and religious systems. Maybe you are a parent, a pastor, a therapist, or a work place leader… Let me know how I can help you hold space for them.


Education is a secondary skill for me, but I am dedicated to providing resources that communicate the impact of high control spiritual messaging, undue influence, psychology, and human flourishing. If you need a speaker or podcast interviewer, reach out!!

Contrary to the idea that the past is in the past… we are multi dimensional so even if you have moved on ideologically, the embodiment of our religious experiences may still present elsewhere.